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General unit testing

We use jest as our main testing framework. Here’s a few tips.

This following guide is generic: it can be used for any unit test, regardless of the application layer (frontend, backend, …) or subject type (UI component, utility function, service function, …).


Rules of thumb

Test structure

We use a Given-When-Then test structure, placing respectively the Arrange-Act-Assert parts of each tests in those definitions. This works pretty well with jest:

describe('Test subject', () => {
  describe('Given some value', () => {
    // Arrange

    describe('When doing something', () => {
      // Act

      test('Then this should happen', () => {
        // Assert

This structure helps reusing parts of tests that would normally be duplicated:

describe('Test subject', () => {
  describe('Given some value', () => {
    // Arrange

    describe('When doing something', () => {
      // Act

      test('Then this should happen', () => {
        // Assert

    describe('When doing something else', () => {
      // Act

      test('Then this should happen', () => {
        // Assert

      test('Then this should also happen', () => {
        // Assert


One problem with this structure is that describe cannot handle asynchronous logic. This means that an “Assert” or “Act” statement sometimes has to be put where “Assert” is made. In those cases, we reduce as much as possible modifying the intended test structure by placing as little logic as possible in the “Assert” statement. Examples:

describe('Test subject', () => {
  describe('Given some value', () => {
    // Arrange

    describe('When doing something asynchronous', () => {
      test('Then this should happen', async () => {
        // Act
        const myData = await getMyData();

        // Assert
describe('Test subject', () => {
  describe('Given some asynchronous value', () => {
    describe('When doing something', () => {
      test('Then this should happen', async () => {
        // Arrange
        const expectedValue = await getExpectedValue();

        // Act

        // Assert
describe('Test subject', () => {
  describe('Given some asynchronous value', () => {
    describe('When doing something asynchronous', () => {
      test('Then this should happen', async () => {
        // Arrange
        const expectedValue = await getExpectedValue();

        // Act
        const myData = await getMyData();

        // Assert