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We enforce code style with stylelint for styled-components. Other than that, some rules are listed here.

Only styled-components

Supported by linter: NO

We do not allow plain CSS or SCSS in this codebase. We exclusively use styled-components to keep everything style-related centralized.

Use $ with custom props

Supported by linter: NO

When using styled-components, specify custom props with a $ sign. This makes those props easy to spot and never override an existing styled-components injected prop.


const Container = styled.div<{ active: boolean }>(
  ({ theme, active }) => css`
    border: ${theme.spacing.xs} solid ${active ? theme.colors.border.high : theme.colors.primary};


const Container = styled.div<{ $active: boolean }>(
  ({ theme, $active }) => css`
    border: ${theme.spacing.xs} solid ${$active ? theme.colors.border.high : theme.colors.primary};

Inject params once

Supported by linter: NO

When using styled-components, always inject params only once, except when used a single time.


const Container = styled.div`
  border: ${props => props.theme.spacing.xs} solid ${props => props.theme.colors.border.high};
const Container = styled.div<{ $active: boolean }>`
  border: ${props => props.theme.spacing.xs} solid ${props =>
      props.$active ? props.theme.colors.border.high : props.theme.colors.primary};


// Single usage, this is okay
const Container = styled.div`
  color: ${props => props.theme.colors.font.default};
const Container = styled.div(
  ({ theme }) => css`
    border: ${theme.spacing.xs} solid ${theme.colors.border.high};
const Container = styled.div<{ $active: boolean }>(
  ({ theme, $active }) => css`
    border: ${theme.spacing.xs} solid ${$active ? theme.colors.border.high : theme.colors.primary};